The One With the Honest to God Truth

The One With the Honest to God Truth

  1. Having to work all summer while my kids are home and hubby home (he’s a teacher) is a tough pill to swallow.

  2. You’ll find me with my laptop working from the pool more days than not.

  3. If you ask me to show you houses for months and months and then screw me over and use your Aunt’s neighbor to help you buy a house I will haunt you and your family when I die. No, really. I will.

  4. Listing agents don’t get paid a penny until your house sells. Pretty much no one wants your house to sell more than you do except me. So, never worry if I’m doing everthing I can. Believe me when I tell you I am.

  5. Buyer’s agents don’t get paid until you actually buy a house. Many people think someone is paying us. They are not. Our time spent with you is our time freely given in the hopes that you will indeed find a house to buy. See haunting warning, item 3 above.

  6. If we tell you over the summer we are unavailable because we have an appointment it’s probably code for “we are at Kennywood and my family will disown me if I cancel their fun day”. You want your Real Estate Agent to have a balanced life because a happy Real Estate Agent is an efficient Real Estate Agent. A miserable Real Estate Agent will make your life miserable. Truth.

  7. When you write a review online for us on our website or Zillow etc, it’s a priceless gift to us. For you it takes but a moment, for us it means a lot and can have a lasting impact. If you have been living under a rock and don’t know. Reviews are everything. Buyers read them. Sellers read them. They use them to make decisions on who to hire. You can go to your Real Estate Agent’s website and find the review link, or find their profile on Zillow and add your review.

  8. Trust us, don’t micromanage us. I don’t tell you how to cut open your patient, file charges against a criminal, grade a thesis paper, or deliver the mail. I don’t know how to put an IV in a person or how to safely build a bridge. I trust you to do those things. You need to trust me that I know how to do my things. I do. Swear.

  9. For God’s sake don’t play the what if game. Nothing makes me crazier. Things will happen when and how they are going to happen. Going over 7 different possible scenarios isn’t healthy for you. We figure out a game plan when presented with specific situations. The variables in this job are endless. Anything can happen so playing the what if game is so futile. When presented with a situation we find the solution if one exists. Period.

  10. Finally, Real Estate Agents aren’t psychic. OMG, how awesome would that be? Sadly it’s just not the case. 11 years later and I’m still shocked when the nicest house ever sits on the market for 62 days while the craphole that smells like cats sells with 7 offers in an hour. Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason to these things. I often wonder if a house doesn’t sell right away if it’s because it’s waiting for the special person who does eventually buy it. If you have read my other blog posts you know I believe homes have energy and I believe certain people are drawn to or repelled by a home’s energy. There truly is a key to every lock, a buyer for every home. Patience and faith is the reality. Crystal balls are not. If only!

Work With Wendy

Wendy is dedicated to helping you find your dream home and assisting with any selling needs you may have. Contact her today so she can guide you through the buying and selling process.

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