The One With the Tattletale

The One With the Tattletale

In this job you often meet eccentric people and it’s funny. Sometimes you come across people who go slightly beyond eccentric. A person, a stranger, such as this crossed my path for 2 minutes one day and “tattled” on me.
Once I had a house for sale that looked haunted. Three generations of women had lived and died there. In my photos I took there are orbs in a couple of rooms. It was a very old Tudor so the gothic-ness of it lent itself to spooky splendor. Everyone who knows me knows I love this stuff. I go to mediums. I historically have been able to tell when there are spirits or an energy in a house that doesn’t want me there. There weren’t any mean spirits in this house but the energy of these women was for sure present in my opinion. Houses often take on the energy of the people who loved and lived inside it’s 4 walls. I enjoy talking about it. It’s interesting and fun.
Anyway, it was sort of joke amongst people in my office because I was alwasys posting pics etc of this house and like I said, it just looked haunted by nature of what it was architecturally and decor-wise. I didn’t need to say anything to elicit comments from the public on how it looked haunted.
Here’s where my story getting downright hilarious/scary/unbeleivable.
One day I was walking into my office as a colleague was walking out so we stopped and chatted casually for about 2 minutes. We were joking around and laughing about my “haunted house” and about the orbs in the pictures etc. I went inside and did some work in the computer room. About an hour later my manager calls my into his office. Why? Well, Let me just tell you!
I got reported by a stranger for selling haunted houses. A woman had been in the nearby area outside sitting on a bench or something and overheard my 2 minute funny convo and tattled on me for selling a haunted house. I wish I could have been there to hear how it went down, but it went something like this:
“I heard an agent outside say she purposely is selling a house she said is haunted! She said there were orbs! Do you really have agents here who will take a haunted house and sell it to innocent people and not tell them?” Obviously she was told that of course it’s not haunted, and how could one prove it was haunted to begin with? She was very much a willing believer in haunted houses and was really mad at me. She kept talking about the orbs as PROOF beyond a reasonable doubt that it’s haunted. Of course this isn’t true. Orbs are caused by dust in the air hitting the flash etc. We had just been joking around.
She literally walked into my building, asked for the manager and reported me for selling a haunted house without disclosing it in writing to every buyer. First of all, a house being haunted is not a disclosable item in Pennsylvania. Someone dying in the house isn’t even a disclosable item. Second of all, I’m a Real Estate Agent not a ghost hunter. I don’t actually know it was haunted. Certainly not enough to say so as material fact. Laughing out loud at this moment just recalling this happening. But she said there were orbs!
Lady on the bench eavesdropping on people: You refused to give your name so I was never able to defend myself which is so frustrating. It was a joke. So, in case you are reading this, for your peace of mind, a young couple bought that house and both seller and buyer are happy.
So are the ghosts.
Too much?
Moral of the story: Be careful what you say in public because you never know who is listening and if they are put together right or not.
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Work With Wendy

Wendy is dedicated to helping you find your dream home and assisting with any selling needs you may have. Contact her today so she can guide you through the buying and selling process.

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